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Altoona, Iowa



Centennial United Methodist Church at Ivy logo









Altoona, Iowa



Kitchen - Expansion Sub Committee

Notes from December 10, 2014 Meeting with Narthex & Fellowship Sub Committees

Present : Mary Ferguson, Jeff Freel, Doris Heaberlin and Nancy Day

1. After extensive discussion we decided it was best to flip the plans back to the original plan with the kitchen on the North side. There will be a wall so you don't see the bathrooms as you walk in the front door.

2. We discussed whether to extend the tile from the kitchen floor to the narthex area where food table would be.

3. Mary had checked to see how many canners would fit on a residential kitchen stove. She said that two per stove is all that would fit. Also it was discussed whether a two oven stove would be better than one oven. With two stoves we could have options with one baking and three warming or the other way around. Also total baking area would be larger.

4. Bob Johnson is going to make a 3-D drawing of our plans to make it easier to visualize what they will look like.

Secretary: Nancy Day